논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2021-08 국제경제분쟁해결제도의 미래와 전망 비교사법
2021-03 국제중재판정의 지연이자에 관한 고찰 중재연구
2020-09 A Review of Arbitrator Disclosure Obligations in Korea through the Oilhub Case 중재연구
2015-10 A Bellwether to Korea’s New Frontier in Investor-State Dispute Settlement? The Moscow Convention and Lee Jong Baek v. Kyrgyz Republic PEPPERDINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAW JOURNAL
2014-12 International Arbitration in East Asia: From Emulation to Innovation Arbitration Brief
2012-12 A Pivot to Asia in Investor-State Arbitration: The Coming Emergence of Asian Claimants ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal
2011-09 The Role of Rules of Origin to Provide Discipline to the GATT Article XXIV Exception JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW
2009-02 RTAs for Development Journal Of World Trade
2008-07 A Forensic Study of Daewoo Corporate Governance Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business
2007-07 Fears of Foreign Ownership: The Old Face of Economic Nationalism SAIS REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS
2007-03 The Judiciary's Role in Good Governance in Korea Policy and Society
2006-03 동아시아 기업 거버넌스 모델의 형성 신아세아
2003-12 Legal Change in Post-Authoritarian South Korea: Corporate Changes As Viewed Through the Fates of Kukje, Hyundai, and Hanbo THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES
2003-10 다자간 차원에서의 해외뇌물규제에 관한 연구: 국제반부패운둥과 문화의 충돌 현상과 인식
2003-04 Legal Change in Post-Authoritarian South Korea THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES
2003-01 Sub-Regionalism, Regionalism, Trans-Regionalism-Implications For Economic Integration And International Trade Policies Asia Europe Journal
2002-11 The Viability of Screen Quotas in Korea: The Cultural Exception under the International Trade Regim KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LA
2002-11 The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Implications for Korea in Following the OECD Recommendation International Trade Law
2002-11 Shareholder Activism in Korea: A Review of How PSPD Used Legal Measures to Strengthen Korean Corpora JOURNAL OF KOREAN LAW
2002-11 Nascent Stages of Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Regulatory Change, Shareholder Activism CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW
2002-11 Minority Shareholder Rights in Korea: Why Securities-Related Representative Actions Should Be Establ COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW
2002-11 Korea Country Paper: The Role of Boards and Stakeholders in Corporate Governance THE THIRD OECD ASIAN ROUNDTABLE ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 2001
2002-11 Enron의 기업지배구조의 실패와 미국의 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 기업지배구조연구
2002-10 Enhancing Corporate Governance in Korea KOREA FOCUS
2002-05 증권집단소송제의 도입에 대한 논의 주리스트
2002-04 Convergence in International Financial Markets International Trade Law
2001-09 Minority Shareholder Rights in Korea 상사법연구
2001-01 Shareholder Activism in Korea Journal of Korean Law
2000-07 Recent Amendments to Korea's Commercial Code and Their Effects on International Competition JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW
1998-12 The Viability of Screen Quotas in Korea Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law
1997-08 Korea in the World Trading System Korea and World Affairs
1997-07 Cultural Differences in the Crusade Against International Bribery: Rice Cake Expenses and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal